to preserve fields and soil, to homogenize your Fields by understanding it's diversity

to preserve our fields and use the potential of the soil sustainably
Our agricultural practices can have a huge impact on our soils, potentially increasing erosion and decreasing the quality of the soil.
We need to work on finding the right balance to continue producing crops with a less negative impact, to recover eroded areas or even develop the productivity of our soils.
by analyzing historical data of your fields in order to get a more reliable future plan
We run a review in our preselected satellite imagery bank for your Fields in the highest vegetation period covering the last 10 year period with the accuracy of 30x30m.
We use the Landsat missions of NASA to get access of a decade long history of the analyzed Fields, taking into account all the different crops that were grown during the past 10 years. With this analysis of long-term productivity, we will give you our recommendation.
All imagery are preselected to avoid mistakes caused by clouds or atmosphere distortion. Our analysis method is able to differentiate numerous planted crops from the same field and distinguish between them to get a reliable and high quality analysis.
We assess the peak performance period of the planted crops in each year to get the best estimation on the soil potential. We merge the data of all the 10 years examined to remove errors caused by seasonal impacts and single-year agronomy mistakes.
Taking advantage of our service documentation using Field Zone maps you can get rid of the following negative impacts:
Extreme weather conditions of previous years
Any single year agro-technology mistake
Wild life or pest damage
Cloud masking or any other remote sensing mistakes

Benefits of our system
Leverage the diversity of your Fields
The intention of our maps is not to show actual yield or recent condition of plants, but to show the potential of your field zones based on all the crops grown in the past 10 years.
Zone maps can be used for the following:
Identify areas with lower potential
Identify areas where soil improvement technologies are needed
Identify soil nutrition limitation for the lower performing areas
Increase the accuracy of your soil sampling points in order to identify the cause of your fields diversity
Define strategy for a multiyear crop production plan best suited for the potential of each zone of your fields.(nutrition, density, irrigation plan...)
Partly avoid costly investment in PrecisionAg machinery (for best of use our maps you will need machinery capable of variable rate application)
the Zone Maps:

Soil Management Zone Maps
identify soil improvement areas, try to homogenise the fields
This map gives a clear indication of the field areas performing below the average. Categories are identified as below
White: Above Average
Pink: Average
Light Red:Acceptable
Red: Low
Dark Red: Critical
The analysis map will focus on the areas that underperform compared to average. The main goal is to find the areas where the overuse and overdose of eroded soil should be stopped. We advice specific soil sampling for the Critical and Low (zones) areas to understand the main limitation factors.
We also advice you to work out a special improvement plan for the low performing areas and to ease your own life by homogenising your Field. That's how we can preserve our agricultural lands and ensure high quality soil for crop production.
Field Production Technology Zones
Invest your inputs in a clever way
This map provides the yield potential groups of your field. We use percentage format on the map, which always means a relative scale from the field average potential.
Colours represent values as per the following:
Red: less than 85%
Orange: less than 95% but higher than 85%
Yellow: less than 105% but higher than 95%
Light Green: less than 115% but higher than 105%
Dark Green: higher than 115%
We designed these groups considering financial sense of production strategy differentiation. Based on our experience these are the most narrow potential ranges where a differentiated technology plan could show an obvious return on investment.
You could merge groups to simplify your strategy according to your needs and possibilities.
We believe Farms could benefit from turning towards segmented production strategies based on soil protection and the potential of returns. With better allocation of inputs, we can allow our fields to:
- recover where they are eroded/overused
- thrive where they have higher potential

Nitrogen &
Applying our first pillar
Soil potential based density and nitrogen VR maps are the first pillar of our Field Zone management strategy.
We developed our model in combination with all seed companies publicly shared density advice the crop N need by t of production and potential density impact on nutrition utilisation efficiency.
We collect all Farm input in terms of hybrids, Fields and N budget at preseason, to ensure all maps arrive aligned with the budget planned.
As we now that last minute changes are the norm in Farming we maintain a 24h service to adjust requested changes.
One more step to minimise errosion...
The program focuses on precision agriculture services, leveraging drones for agricultural field surveys.
This program includes services providing drone packages to customers, central planning of flight plans, and online support for flight execution.
The collected data is processed and uploaded to mYard systems analysed and shared with partners.
The service aims to help farmers reduce negative effects of erosion, save on fertilisation usage, and restructure their field layouts to comply with environmental regulations. The program also seeks to minimise environmental impact by using refurbished drones, promoting sustainable agricultural practices. For more detailed information, you can visit us below.

Our Terms of Service
We want to operate our business through digital platforms. For using our services an account registration is advised on our webpage. Your registration will connect you to our members area, you can communicate, share your stories on our site, and become an active part of our community. You could access your payment details and order history too.
We provide you a shared folder through our Microsoft Service, where you can store files you want to share with us and where we will publish your Service Documentations. If you already have a Microsoft account we advise to use that for registration.
You can order consultations and connected Services to our Managment Zones through our shop, and check them out with instant payment methods or by asking for a bank transfer.
We deliver your order in a week after your payment.